Best Cloud-Based Platform for Mobile App Testing

The most common challenge in-app testing that enterprises are facing today is device fragmentation. There are hundreds of OEMs with custom ROM, different screen sizes, different OS versions, and other specifications. It is a nightmare for the app testers to make sure that their app works smoothly on all the devices. To do that one might have to invest heavily in setting up a device lab and the added headache of maintenance. 

This can be avoided by using a cloud-based mobile app testing platform like pCloudy. This way you get a myriad of devices to test your app without investing heavily on the device lab. The devices are real physical devices which are accessed through the cloud. Let’s understand how pCloudy helps you save money and make testing easier for the testers.

Why pCloudy?

pCloudy Mobile App Testing

Mobile testing is essentially like a parachute and releasing the app without proper testing is like sky diving without a parachute. This is why it is important to perform manual and automated testing to fix the bugs on time. pCloudy is the most efficient tool when it comes to mobile app testing. You can perform manual testing as well as automated testing on your preferred device. You can also do parallel testing and run your test script on multiple devices in sync to save time by multifold. 

pCloudy is loaded with features like Certifaya, an AI-powered autonomous testing bot which will perform testing on your behalf. This way you save time and reallocate your resources to perform other tasks. You can perform local site testing, network simulation, cross-browser testing, and much more. 

To start testing your app on your selected device in pCloudy, you just need to upload the apk/ipa file and install the app. Then you can perform the actions manually and take screenshots or record the video of testing for reference. All the actions will be recorded and you can also log a bug manually. 

The best thing about pCloudy is that it is integrated with the most popular testing frameworks and tools. Appium, Espresso, Jira, Jenkins, Android Studio, Eclipse, Github and many more integrations enable users to complete all the tasks from pCloudy. Users can write the code, run automation tests, log a bug, use the git and perform other tasks to complete the testing process within pCloudy.


It is always better to test your app on as many as possible devices. In pCloudy, you can book a device from anywhere at any time and use filter to narrow down the devices which are more popular in a particular region. This will save your time, money and effort as you don’t have to worry about the hardware and maintenance. You get what you want without any responsibilities. 

Automated testing will optimize your testing efforts and parallel testing will further speed the process. If you feel the need for manual testing then you can also do that and the integrated tools will make your work easier. This why pCloudy is the best solution for better mobile app testing.