Following and unfollowing is one popular Instagram growth method that a lot of us use to grow our following. For the uninitiated, this is a method where you follow a user in the hope that they’ll follow you back once they get the notification you followed them. The downside to this method however is, the follow-back ratio isn’t usually very high and since it’s difficult to know who followed you back and who didn’t, most of us will just unfollow everyone a few days after following them.
There were apps that people used to find users that didn’t follow them back or even unfollowed them but since Instagram made changes in their API, these apps simply stopped working and a lot of people don’t know anymore how else to collect usernames that unfollowed or did not follow back.
Fortunately, you found your way here and I’m going to show you my own method for collecting a list of users that unfollowed me or did not follow me back. I would then unfollow them automatically to leave room for those that choose to stay connected to my content.
This method works the same way for both Instagram and Twitter, but to keep this tutorial short, I’ll use Instagram and if you’ll need to do the same for Twitter you’re just going to replicate the same.
Here’s all you’ll need to get this done:
- Jarvee – currently the most advanced social media automation tool available (we’re going to make use of the 5-day trial period so you won’t have to spend any money on it).
- Windows computer (Mac users can get a free VPS for this purpose). PS: If you need a powerful VPS for cheap, reach me on Skype Diablo2562 and I’ll connect you to a reliable provider I currently use.
- This website.
That’s it!
What we’re going to do here is quite simple: First, we’re going to use Jarvee to put together a list of usernames that follow us. We’re also going to use the same tool to put together a list of usernames we follow. Next, using the two lists that we’ve put together, we’re going to use the website mentioned above (#3) to extract a list of usernames that do not follow our Instagram account.
Creating a list of usernames that aren’t following you
Before you move forward, you’re going to need to open Jarvee and load your Instagram account as instructed in this article. Don’t worry, it will take only a minute.
Click on ‘SOCIAL PROFILES’ and then click on the account you’ve just loaded.
You’ll then click on the ‘Scrape Tools’ tab.
Here, we’re only going to need the ‘EXTRACT FOLLOWERS‘ and ‘EXTRACT FOLLOWINGS‘ features. Paste your username in both forms and then start the extraction process. I did a video to make it easier for you to follow:
We have now collected a list of usernames that we’re following who aren’t following us. You can then choose to unfollow all of them, or you can remove those that you don’t wish to unfollow and remain with a list of only those that you want to start unfollowing.
Unfollowing users who aren’t following you
So, you’ve just created a list of users who aren’t following you. Sometimes these can be in their tens of thousands making it extremely difficult to do manually. In this case, you’re going to need to make use of Jarvee to automate the process. Here’s how:
Click on TOOLs then the name of your Instagram account.
Now go to the ‘Unfollow’ tab and paste the usernames we’d like to unfollow. Follow these steps:
Now scroll back up and start unfollowing:
You’re all set!
Note that Instagram will not allow you to unfollow too many users instantly. Please refer to this post with regards to Instagram unfollow limits.
Leave any questions you might have in the comments sections below and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Till next time!