Today we’re going to look at the Like Tool on Jarvee and see what sorts of options we have and what we can do with them. As usual, the first step you should take before embarking on this tutorial is to set up your Instagram account on Jarvee.
When you have your account set up correctly, it should look like on the screenshot below with the status showing VALID.
The Instagram account I’ve set up for this tutorial is relatively new, has 82 followers and is following none since I unfollowed everyone on a previous tutorial on unfollow setting on Jarvee. You’ll also see that Jarve has calculated the average engagement for this account and shows it at 20.7.
To view the like features, click on TOOLS located on the vertical tab on the left side. It should open to the following interface:
In my example above, there are no more users to unfollow hence the red warning.
Click on the name of the account (here: Instagram Account 1) and then go to the Like tab.
When you’re on the Like tab, there are 3 sub-tabs for you to work with: The Settings sub-tab is where you set the Like limits, intervals, filters and some other special actions.
For this tutorial, I want my Instagram account to like posts of my followers and posts of users who interacted with my posts. The purpose for this is to encourage those users to give back and thereby boosting my engagement. PS: The number (10) you see beside each source is meant to set priority. Where the number is set highest, the tool will put emphasis on that source and less on the others.
Here’s my screenshot of Sources when set up as desired:
Under Like posts of users that interacted with posts on target accounts I set my username as target account. I also set it to like posts of users who interacted with my posts within the last 1440 minutes (24hrs). You’re totally free to set your preferred minutes.
Next, we’re going to go back to the Settings sub-tab to set the filters. I’ll just share the screenshots:
This means that Jarvee will continue to like around 104 posts/day of my followers and users who interacted with my posts even after the maximum of 500 set has been reached. The remainder (500-104) will be reserved for other tools. For instance, in the Follow tab, I have Jarvee set to like posts of users immediately after following them.
Furthermore, I want Jarvee to like only posts of users with less than 200 followers. Reason being, users with a lot of followers usually don’t like to ‘give back’. I also don’t want to like posts of users who are following too many people as these usually tend to be bot accounts.
In the POST FILTERS, I want Jarvee to like both images and videos. I also want to limit it to posts with less than 100 likes because it’s hard to get noticed when you like posts with too many likes. I will also like random posts from the most recent user’s post. This helps to keep this automation looking natural.
Now scroll back up and start the tool:
You’re all set!
PS: If you need a powerful VPS for cheap, reach me on Skype Diablo2562 and I’ll connect you to a reliable provider I currently use.